TH Philosophy
The Bible was not only written for the scholastically elite. This book was never intended to be exclusive to the experts. When Jesus said “It is finished”, and the veil to the Holy of Holies was torn from Heaven to earth; when Jesus destroyed the separation of His presence from His people, He invited us to cover our sin, our shame with His blood so that we would have free access to the fullness of His kingdom—not as mere guests but as sons and daughters of a Good Father; as siblings to the Great High Priest, our Elder Brother; as ambassadors empowered and emboldened by Holy Spirit to bring His kingdom to this earth. He has gifted to us His Word—not to all of collective humanity alone; but to us, individually and personally. This Word is not a simple collection of disconnected stories. It is the journal of our God, chronicling the endless ways He has passionately pursued our hearts. It is the greatest of love stories, an epic adventure. His Word is truth in the midst of our uncertainties, it is light in the midst of the darkness that surrounds us. His Word is eternal. God watches over to perform His Word. Scripture says that Jesus has been given a name above every name and scripture also tells us He has exalted His Word above all His name. Numbers 23 tells us that God is not a man that He should lie; nor the son of man that He should repent. Has He not said and will He not do? The Word of God cannot be broken and it cannot fail. So if we understand the power of the Word, why do we neglect it? Why does it all too often fall to the bottom of our list? Why does it seem like just another box to check off on our To-Do List?
Some of us have not yet grasped the importance of the Word. Greater still, many of us are intimidated by the scope and detail of the Bible. A timeline that runs from the beginning at creation to the end of days and life eternal with everything in between. Written originally in languages we don’t know, from a time period far removed from our own and with cultural and societal norms that we are not accustomed to. It can seem overwhelming and intimidating. So we nod and amen our way through group Bible studies, try to contribute just enough so that it isn’t noticeable that we don’t know what we’re talking about. It’s like you’re back in high school suffering through a class for which you didn’t do the assigned reading so you have to throw out a few words you know and answer the easy questions, hoping you are flying just enough under the radar that you don’t draw attention to yourself.
Which brings us to another issue. You are smart enough. No matter what type of student you were, no matter how difficult school was for you, you are capable. You are capable because of the Holy Spirit within you. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would guide us in all truth and we are going to pray for supernatural understanding. Understanding beyond what our natural minds would grasp. We may not understand everything but our Teacher, Holy Spirit, does. So if our Teacher knows it all, we have access to His knowledge too. Scripture says that if you lack wisdom, ask for it. It tells us that we have not because we ask not. Jesus tells us to ask and keep on asking, because we have a good Father who will not withhold good things from us. So pray. Pray that He will make things clear to you; that He will guide you and teach you and then trust that He will.